Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beginnings and Endings at the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center

At the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center, I've been adding to my 'nest and eggs' series. A good subject for Spring - new beginnings, birth, awakening...
Redwing Blackbird nest with eggs   9" x 12"  oil   by Shirl Ireland
in the collection of the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center
BUT they have a new piece they're adding into their archives that I couldn't pass up this week. I like painting pieces that are significant in the history of Yellowstone - that have a 'story'. This is certainly one...The skull from the 5th grizzly fatality in Yellowstone National Park.

A photographer was in Hayden Valley near Otter Creek and approached the female grizzly too closely. Since she had been recently sedated, there was an assumption that the drug may have had a cause in the incident. They cut off the top of her skull to biopsy her brain. Now, THAT'S not something you get to paint just everyday....

Grizzly Skull  9" x 12"  oil  by Shirl Ireland
soon to be cataloged into the collection of the Yellowstone Heritage and Research Center

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