Monday, May 23, 2011

Yellowstone Squared

6" x 6" oil on linen by Shirl Ireland - near Beaver Ponds Trail / Mammoth in Yellowstone National Park

6" x 6"  oil on linen by Shirl Ireland - Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park
I like projects - well, most of the time. But I've come to realize over the years that we are 'project people'. It's that inner self-motivation button that doesn't seem to turn off. I've learned to just go with it. So I've thought of a summer project for myself..."Yellowstone Squared". I'll be painting 6" square studies of Yellowstone National Park - from geysers, to bison, to thermal areas to birds and wildflowers, etc. etc.

Yellowstone is such an amazing place - part of Yellowstone's beauty lies in the sheer scope and diversity over the Park. The variety is astounding - unlike any other National Park. You can't capture that in one painting. So I'm going to try to capture it in 'snippets' then compile my snippets into one big Yellowstone statement! One painting can't say it all - but 49 could! So throughout the summer and early fall, I'll add to the collection of square paintings, while I shoot for 49 total. Stay tuned and watch the collection grow.

Our Yellowstone Zoo - right out the back windows....

Pronghorn family update -
All is well! We spotted both fawns with their mother right over the ridge that the coyote crested.

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