Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sad news... Number 6 died. To people in Yellowstone / Gardiner, that's all you need to say. Number 6 was a famous bull elk around these parts. You could pick him out a mile away, just from his sheer size. He was massive. His antlers were amazing. During rut in the fall, he could get 'irritable'. There are many stories about his antics in Mammoth. He 'wintered' in Gardiner, so we saw him often this time of year. I remember watching him through our kitchen window! Many would speculate on where and when he'd drop his antlers. Last year, it was in a Gardiner residents yard. And he dropped both at the same time. That was a lucky find!

A Painting Class participant spread the news last night in class. He actually died in her yard the previous evening. Another class participant said she had seen him earlier in the day walking down the road and he wasn't looking well. Tests are being done to learn the cause of death. I'll post it when I hear.

When we first moved here, the person we bought this property from said - in Gardiner we don't talk about our neighbors, we talk about elk #6, wolf #402, etc. etc. It's true. The death of #6 is sad news in our little town.

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