Friday, April 1, 2011

Welcome to our 'New and Improved' Blog!....

No, it's no coincidence that this is April 1st. April Fool's Day. I thought it would be a good 'tongue in cheek' way to  launch our new blog. I wanted to share more from 'behind the scenes' around here - and at times it can look like a good Saturday Night Live skit with all we're trying to fit in! Keeping my sense of humor is key.

You'll see a new look along with a new title...Leap Of Faith. Inspired by John's dream of our 'jump off the cliff'. I went first of course and pulled him along with me - what does THAT tell you? He woke up before we landed, so we're not sure on the ending. Our life in a nutshell.

Yes, we live a very unconventional, and many would say 'risky' life. For the last 16 years we've been professional artists. For the last 11 years, we've had no 'outside paycheck' at all. None. We've survived (and believe me survived is a good word for it!) solely by getting paid for things we make with our own 2 hands. Then, we need wonderful collectors and clients, (who we appreciate dearly!) - who are willing to spend their hard earned money on our creations. Amazing. How fortunate we are.... It's a wonderful and rewarding way of life - but the challenges can be many!

So I'm launching this new blog with not only intentions to give you a good laugh, but you'll also be the first to see:
 - some 'paintings of the day'
 - video clip painting demos, maybe LOTS of video clips (that will be a fun way to post, I'm thinking!)
 - sculpting demonstrations
 - discussions on art... where is was, where it's going, Yellowstone artists of the past, etc.
 - learn about the foundry process...'lost wax method'
 - come along with me on my plein air painting adventures in Yellowstone
 - wildlife right out the gallery windows and beyond
 - preview our new lighting designs
 - add in some 'kid stuff'
 - and hopefully inspire you along the way with some quotes and random thoughts.

And how could we NOT bring you along on our building adventures... we have a studio to expand, a house to finish and a vacation rental to update - since we do it all ourselves, there's LOADS of ammunition for Saturday Night Live meets Bob The Builder skits in that! Oh, and that's all what's going on here in just the next few months - not years.

I'm going to post at least a few times a week, to keep it interesting. I'd like it to be interactive with you - I LOVE feedback. Comments would be great - good, bad or anything in between. After all, we're artists - we can take criticism well! Any ideas or specifics on the direction you'd like me to take with this would be GREATLY appreciated. I'd like it to be entertaining, interesting and educational for you. So let me know what you want to find out about the 'life and times' of 2 self-employed artists, living, working and raising a family at the edge of Yellowstone National Park.

Hope to hear from you soon....Shirl

PS - I've set it so you can easily follow along by adding your e-mail address to the 'Follow By E-Mail' / Submit slot to the right up by our gallery photo near the top of the page. This way you won't miss any of the action around here!

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