Sunday, February 10, 2013

Moving in...

We're getting VERY close....
Progress Report:
Moving the chandelier -
John taking the chandelier down...
(No, even though the photo looks like it -  he's not holding it with one  hand. Although, it sure would be easier if he could!)
And that's me getting the chandelier ready to hang in it's final home.
Yes, we're moving into the new studio!

Our Yellowstone Zoo
- photos from the windows -

This time of year, it's a rare day NOT to see wildlife out our windows.
Today, we saw the bison that have been 'hanging around' that I photographed for the last blog post, pronghorn and deer across the river, and eagles. We saw otter tracks at the river but haven't spotted them as of yet.

Here are photos of some of the deer in our yard today that, along with those bison, are helping to keep the grass trimmed...

Mule deer

Mule deer fact of the day:
The annual cycle of antler growth is initiated and controlled by changes in day length.

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