Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AMAZING otter sighting

A couple days ago we watched a family of seven otters in Yellowstone - swimming, playing and catching cut throat trout. The best viewing I've ever had of otters in the wild. Even though they move A LOT and FAST, I was lucky enough to get some great photos. Now, this morning, right from the gallery windows, we watched 2 otters playing in the Yellowstone River. So, after this mornings sighting, I was inspired to head to the Yellowstone Research Center, where I painted a study of a mounted otter in their collection.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good to get away - good to be back!

A plein air painting I did of Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park, Washington

Ahhh, it's good to go on vacation. And REALLY good to return home... when you live in paradise!We got the traveling bug out of our system for the summer. So now, we're settling in and enjoying home.